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Requirements and Benefits

Joining the Ulster Angling Federation


"The Ulster Angling Federation serves as the official voice for angling clubs throughout Northern Ireland"


"Representing the diverse interests of game, coarse and sea angling across all six counties, our Federation is dedicated to the promotion and develpment of angling in the region."



  • Your Club is required to have a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and a Safeguarding Officer.

  • Your Club must provide a copy of your Constitution as part of the joining process.

  • Your Club must have a Safeguarding Statement or Policy in place.

Membership Benefits


  • Governance

  • Angling Development

  • Angling Coaching

  • Promotion

  • Policy Development

  • Funding Assistance

  • General Support

  • Training


On behalf of the Ulster Angling Federation, Your commitment in being a part of the Ulster Angling Federation allows us to enhance and develop angling across Northern Ireland. Please rest assured that we are actively lobbying on crucial issues that impact all angling communities such as the upcoming Reservoirs Bill, protecting water quality and combating invasive species to advocating for improved accessibility and coach development support, we remain dedicated to addressing these pressing concerns.


We can offer assistance with policy and governance, signpost to training platforms to aid development or help with any funding applications that may improve accessibility.


We are excited to share that our website has recently been revamped to offer more resources, updates, and streamlined support for our members.


We are able to help with promoting using our website and social media tools. 


Additionally, if you have any upcoming events or initiatives that may interest the angling community, please do let us know and we can push it on social media—we’re keen to help promote and support our members where we can.


Thank you in advanced for joining the Ulster Angling Federation.


Best regards,
David Thompson
Development Officer

Ulster Angling Federation

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Copyright - Ulster Angling Federation © 2024

All Rights Reserved

Built and Managed by Ulster Angling Federation

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